Priority Scheduling

Priority Scheduling is a CPU scheduling algorithm where processes are assigned priorities, and the process with the highest priority is selected for execution. Let’s delve into the details:

Priority Assignment:
  • Each process is assigned a numerical priority value.
  • Lower numbers indicate higher priority (i.e., process with priority 1 has the highest priority).
  • Priority can be based on various factors such as memory requirements, time constraints, importance, etc
Types of Priority Scheduling:

Preemptive Scheduling:
  • In preemptive priority scheduling, tasks are assigned priorities.
  • If a higher-priority task arrives while a lower-priority task is running, the lower-priority task is preempted, and the higher-priority task starts executing.
  • Example: Real-time systems where critical tasks need immediate attention.
Non-Preemptive Scheduling:
  • In non-preemptive priority scheduling, the CPU is allocated to a specific process.
  • The process that holds the CPU continues until it releases it (e.g., by completing its execution or blocking).
  • No preemption occurs during execution.
  • Suitable for various hardware platforms without special timers or hardware support.

Characteristics of Priority Scheduling:
  • Processes are scheduled based on their assigned priorities.
  • If two jobs have the same priority, they are executed on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Newer processes with higher priority can preempt currently running processes.
  • Priority numbers determine the order of execution.
Example: Consider the following processes:

Process    Priority    Burst Time    Arrival Time
P1             1                 4                 0
P2             2                 3                 0
P3             1                 7                 6
P4             2                 2                11
P5             3                 4                12

Execution steps: ( Non preemptive)
  • At time = 0, P1 and P2 arrive. P1 (priority 1-high priority) starts execution.
  • At time = 4, P1 completes, and P2 (priority 2) starts.
  • At time = 6, P3 (priority 1) arrives 
  • At time=7, P3 starts execution
  • At time =14 ,P4 starts execution( high priority)
  • At time=16 ,P5 starts execution
  • At time=20 , P5 finish execution
Gant Chart

Average waiting Time: (0+4+1+3+4)/5=2.4ms
Average Turn around Time:(4+7+8+5+8)/5=6.4ms

Execution steps: ( Preemptive)
  • At time = 0, P1 and P2 arrive. P1 (priority 1-high priority) starts execution.
  • At time = 4, P1 completes, and P2 (priority 2) starts.
  • At time = 6, P3 (priority 1) arrives and preempt P2
  • At time=13, P2 resumes execution
  • At time =14 ,P4 starts execution( high priority)
  • At time=16 ,P5 starts execution
  • At time=20 , P5 finish execution
Gant Chart

Average waiting Time: (0+11+0+3+4)/5=3.6ms
Average Turn around Time:(4+14+7+5+8)/5=7.6ms

  • Ensures high-priority tasks get prompt attention.
  • Useful for real-time systems and critical applications.
  • Priority scheduling can reduce the average waiting time for processes that require a significant amount of CPU time.
  • May lead to starvation if lower-priority tasks never get a chance.
  • Priority inversion can occur when a low-priority task holds a resource needed by a high-priority task.
// C Program Round Robin -Non Preemptive version with some restrictions
#include <stdio.h>

struct Process {
    int processNo;
    int arrivalTime;
    int burstTime;
    int priority;

void sortProcesses(struct Process proc[], int n) {
    // Sort processes based on arrival time and priority
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
            if (proc[j].arrivalTime < proc[i].arrivalTime ||
                (proc[j].arrivalTime == proc[i].arrivalTime && proc[j].priority < proc[i].priority)) {
                // Swap processes
                struct Process temp = proc[i];
                proc[i] = proc[j];
                proc[j] = temp;

void calculateWaitingTime(struct Process proc[], int wt[], int n) {
    wt[0] = 0; // Waiting time for the first process is zero
    int pstart[n];
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        pstart[i]=pstart[i-1]+proc[i - 1].burstTime;
        wt[i] = pstart[i]-proc[i].arrivalTime;

void calculateTurnaroundTime(struct Process proc[], int wt[], int tat[], int n) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        tat[i] = proc[i].burstTime + wt[i];

int main() {
    int n;
    printf("Enter the number of processes: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    struct Process proc[n];
    int wt[n], tat[n];

    printf("Enter process details (arrival time, burst time, priority):\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        proc[i].processNo = i + 1;
        printf("P%d: ", i + 1);
        scanf("%d %d %d", &proc[i].arrivalTime, &proc[i].burstTime, &proc[i].priority);

    // Sort processes based on arrival time and priority
    sortProcesses(proc, n);

    // Calculate waiting time and turnaround time
    calculateWaitingTime(proc, wt, n);
    calculateTurnaroundTime(proc, wt, tat, n);

    // Display results
    float awt=0,atat=0;
    printf("\nProcess\tArrival Time\tBurst Time\tPriority\tWaiting Time\tTurnaround Time\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        printf("P%d\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\n", proc[i].processNo, proc[i].arrivalTime,
               proc[i].burstTime, proc[i].priority, wt[i], tat[i]);
  printf("AWT=%f\t ATAT=%f",awt/n,atat/n);
    return 0;
Enter the number of processes: 5
Enter process details (arrival time, burst time, priority):
P1: 0 4 1
P2: 0 3 2
P3: 6 7 1
P4: 11 2 2
P5: 12 4 3

Process     Arrival Time    Burst Time      Priority        Waiting Time    Turnaround Time
        P1              0                   4                   1                   0                       4
        P2              0                   3                   2                   4                       7
        P3              6                   7                   1                   1                       8
        P4              11                  2                   2                   3                       5
        P5              12                  4                   3                   4                       8
AWT=2.400000     ATAT=6.400000


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