Shell script for important info

 Show Currently logged  users ( w or who -H)
     Show only the user name of logged users in the host ( users)
     Details of last login ( last mec  ;where mec is the user id )
 About your OS and version, release number, kernel version
                                                ( uname -a or  cat  /proc/version)
 Show all available shells ( cat /etc/shells )
 Show mouse settings (cat  /sys/class/input/mouse*/device/name )
 Show computer CPU information
      CPU details      ( cat /proc/cpuinfo | more )
      Show information on  CPU architecture ( lscpu)
      Number of Processor core ( nproc)
 Show memory information
      Memory details ( cat /proc/meminfo | more )
      Display file system disk usage ( df -h )
      Display the amount of free and used memory ( free)
      Virtual memory statistics ( vmstat)

 File system Mounted ( findmnt or cat /proc/mounts)
Note: There are some advanced command like lshw which will list complete hardware details.  These commands can be run as administrator user ( root) as sudo lshw ( needs root user password)Bring your own laptop if possible.
